The Dream.
A magazine coming at you physically, digitally, emotionally, spiritually, existentially: all the ways possible to get you that creative fix!
Rather than assigning a theme or tone to PEP HAUS, we want your submissions to inspire how we curate each resulting issue. Anyone familiar with rejections from existing magazines knows that tell tale line of "it's not exactly the kind of stuff we're looking for." Good on them and their clear, incorrigible vision.
PEP HAUS lives and loves in the strange, the unexpected, the absurd, and the irreverent. We may not know what we're looking for, but we do know when we see it. And then, we chase it. We give it a home. We call it one of our own.
We believe in the power of feedback. And it is our mission to provide that crucial resource to as many writers as we can. Our editors are dedicated to working with writers whose submissions fall somewhere in between rejections and acceptances. Rather than a template yes or no email, we operate at the heart and soul of all writing: the revision process.
Depending on the piece and level of editorial intervention required, a PEP HAUS editor will be assigned to work with the author as they address comments and critiques. Any submission will be considered for this opportunity, regardless of credentials. Additionally, you can find the culmination of all drafts leading up to and including the final product under the Kill Your Darlings section of our website.
The team.
Georgia Peppe
Founder & Creative Director
Kaitlin Weinstein
Chief Layout Designer
Kristy Choung
Publicity Director
Vicky Chong
Staff Editor
Maya Sabatino
Staff Editor
Spencer Jordan
Staff Editor
Isabel Hinchliff
Staff Editor
Sebastian Cahill
Staff Editor
Zachary Warne
Staff Editor
Interested in joining us?
Shoot an email to if you've got too much time on your hands and feel like adding some meaningful tasks to your agenda.